10 October, 2009

Blind Date #1

I went to the Theater Zeebelt to see a play, "Alleen in je wereld" by Sarah Moeremans. Casts spoke in Dutch, so I couldn't understand the details, however, (rather that's why) I was able to pay attention more to the structure of script. It left such an impression that the writer is concerning about how to bring a different combination of casts, switching their talk-modes from one to another.

Niels invites his colleagues, but his house happened to be without power. They try to enjoy, talking and even singing. After all they end up wearing only their underwear. Moeremans revealed a diplomatic communication in social life. Because of the language, I couldn't laugh at every point when others did. Even so, I found myself somehow enjoying for 80 minutes without getting bored.

Blind Date is the series that featuring new theater maker. More infomation at

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