27 December, 2014

two days moving model

Done a moving model for two days. I danced with a rope and young art students wrote these drawings.

With 6 sets of half an hour, about 6 hours in two days, each of the students made one drawing. This class was required to integrate their knowledge, like anatomy and drawing skills.

It was for me the third time to do this work. I like this work because it is just a research of movement for me. It was up to me how I 
change motif, shift balance, find a position on the floor, have a relation with the rope, limit the movability of body parts etc.. So it was actually quite free. I setted a problem for myself and played with it, one by one.

I enjoyed! 

18 December, 2014

The first Melodica concert for baby today

I did my first Melodica concert for baby and parents today in Nagoya. Despite heavy snow, 7 mama(papa) and baby came. Thank you all!

14 December, 2014

My first paper presentation in Japan!

I'm In Kyoto!! Came to give a talk at The 6th annual meeting of JASMIM; Japanese Association for the Study of Musical IMprovisation.

At the conference, I met 
Guy Harries for the first time in seven years. He played my piece when I was studying in The Netherland. What a nice surprise! He also gave a presentation yesterday which I missed. Anyway, a good day!