14 November, 2016

JASMIM 8th annual conference

I have attended the 8th annual conference of JASMIM
 held at Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare in Okayama.
During the 
Yu Wakao's song writing workshop,
we improvisationally made a song about
Air Ambulance (This is the place where first
"Doctor Helicopter" system in Japan started.)

Stephen Nachmanovitch gave a lecture and
guided a wonderful workshop that all participants
were able to join by walking, singing, moving and being.

It was a peaceful and powerful meeting.
See you all next time!

the 8th annual conference of JASMIM


About Stephen Nachmanovitch

For those who interested in free improvisation,
there will be several workshops by Stephen Nachmanovitch
in Japan this week.

14 in Hiroshima
16 in Kyoto
17-20 in Tokyo

07 February, 2016

Colourful Plaza / Tomohisa Hashimoto

from the youth performance project called "Hiroba-Ugoku" last summer. I composed for the scene children play with colour tapes freely.

29 January, 2016

Interview on Chunichi Shimbun

I am happy to announce that the Chunichi Shimbun published the article which I was interviewed on January 29, 2016. Sorry, it's only Japanese.

Reading this article, I feel like to share the program note which I wrote for my first dance piece performed in The Netherland in 2009. After that, I got married, 3.11 occurred, became a father.. well, I myself could not predict such a life. Life is interesting, isn’t it?
I would like to keep the priority in my life being ready for catching something interesting when it passes in front of me. Life should be experimental!
for [RAIN]
We cannot predict what will happen in our lives.
The things which we assume will happen, seldom occur.
And that which we least expect, frequently comes to pass.
How can I accept that which I cannot control?
I want to find a way of saying yes to these things, rather than denying them.
I'm still walking in the rain...
8. Feb, 2009 Tomohisa Hashimoto