27 September, 2010


ときどきブログにも書いていますが、子ども向けの出張演奏、MEMOというプロジェクトに参加しています。今日も午前中はMEMOのパフォーマンスで、二カ所の託児所を訪問しました。ホーランド・スポール駅 Station Den Haag Hollands Spoorから近いところ。ハーグでは昨シーズンからパイロット期間として始まりましたが、今シーズンから本格始動。今日のところはどちらも新しい訪問先です。





楽しかった?」と聞くと「たのしいいい!!」ってみんなで答えてくれると、もうたまらなく嬉しいのです。(帰国までに3歳児とおしゃべりできるぐらいにはなりたいものです。ここでは普段は英語だけで不自由なく生活できるのです。)部屋から出る時も大勢で手をふりふりして見送ってくれたりすると、あーこの仕事やってよかったって思う。 自作曲や即興や童謡変奏曲やクラシックやブルースやエスニックなどなど、何でもありのごちゃ混ぜ演奏会でしまいには踊ったりもするという僕のプログラムですが、それなりに子どもたちの間では好評のようです。えがったえがった。

26 September, 2010


いつもの癖で多めにつくっちゃいました。 ということで、二人分のレシピです。

豚肉    250g
大根    5cmぐらい
赤パプリカ 1/3 個ぐらい 

塩、胡椒    少々
小麦粉    適量
*バルサミコ酢 大さじ1
*マスタード 大さじ1
*しょうゆ 大さじ1
はちみつ 大さじ1



10 September, 2010

Recorder Mini Lecture and Concert Orgelpark

María Martínez Ayerza  www.mariayerza.com/
In the morning on Thursday, I was meeting with  Maria for upcoming project, Double Dream(DD). I'm writing a music for the video installation, DD. The music will be for recorder and harp. I asked Maria to show me her recorder collections in order to find which instrument I would like to use for DD. My request was Mid-Low resister and mellow sound.

She showed 8 instruments from Square bass, Harmonic tenor (Maarten Helder) to Baroque Tenor. Since I don't know yet which harp I can use, we couldn't choose the instrument today. The tuning system is one of the reason; some has pitch A= 415, some in 466. So recorder and harp should be tuned. Thanks to Maria I could record some videos her playing. It was a great lecture. By the way, why does this music instrument have the same name as Recorder, an apparatus for recording sound?

Then I went to the concert at Orgelpark
This was a one of the programs of Gaudeamus Music Week. As I was bit late, I missed the bigining part of the first piece, 1_1/64_1 (2010)  for violin solo, by Toru Nakatani. The piece were written in a concept of perpetual motion which requires great concentration. Violinist, Marleen Wester played very well. Being relax and naturally, but virtuosic at same time. Actually, I liked rather the second piece, Events (2006) by Hans Koolmees.

Since this was a Presentation concert of a new cd with Works for organ and percussion by Jan Hage and Tatiana Koleva, audiences got the CD for free at the front during the pause.

07 September, 2010

The First day, school

The new academic year has started. We had a opening ceremony at school today. Before the ceremony, I met Yannis and Gilius to make an appointment for our first lesson. As I'm in my second year of Master, I'll have classes only on Monday. A group lesson, called "Research and Development course for Musicians" in the morning, and a weekly composers' meeting in the evening. Between these two, I'll have a private lesson with Y or G once a week.

The ceremony held in Arnold Schoenbergzaal of KonCon. Henk, our school director gave a speech and announcement on the stage. And we heard the premiere of piece for large ensemble by Christiaan Richter, one of colleague composer student. The piece has an entertaining Coda. I enjoyed the ending that music gradually shifts to musicians' clap, eventually audience start to give applause, then ends up with one short tutti in a style of big-band.

In the afternoon, I went to see an apartment in The Hague, but it's bit dirty and inadequate for the price. OK, Tomo, don't give up. I'm going to see another place in Amsterdam tomorrow.

I watched a dance video of The Miraculous Mandarin(Maurice Béjart) in the evening, performed by The Tokyo Ballet in 2009.

05 September, 2010





03 September, 2010

2nd time, fell off from the bike

On the way to my piano student's place yesterday, riding on a bicycle, suddenly the door of a car parking on street was opened in my way. Crushed into the car-door, I fell off from my bicycle and was thrown forward. Shocked and surprised. Since I landed on my shoulder, hands and back well, I have no cuts or abrasions on my body. Of course, I had a little pain in my hand and knee, but that's all. And fortunately there was no car or bus passing by me. I thought I was just lucky. The driver and his partner walked out from the car as soon as it happened and asked me if I was OK.
I feel pain in my knees and lower back today. Humm, I hope it gets well soon.

02 September, 2010

The Holidays Are Over

Wrote email to my wife's family about the trip last week. My parents and sister came over from Nagoya, spent 4days in the Netherlands and 3 days in Demnmark. This might be the first and last time to travel abroad together with this member. It was great fun.

With Joan (choreographer) and Barbara (visual art), we are planning a dance performance in June, 2011. It'll be an outdoor performance around the beach supported by Badgast. In the morning, I was searching for the information of Japanese foundation which they can subsidize us. Although TAM has some useful links, it seems difficult to find the one who supports the oversea performances. Let's hope for Dutch foundations.

I replied to the conductor at ACM, Francesco by email. He asked me about the harmonic symbol for clarinet.
I've got to complete the rest of piece soon.

Sent some links of Baroque harp and recorder's videos to Youki as an idea for his video installation.

House hunting on the Internet. Amsterdam is expensive indeed. Though it will be a little inconvenient for me to live in Almere or Hilversum.

After having lunch, went to school. When passing through the park next to Binnenhof, I feel that the new season starts again. Time flies fast. The new academic year begins.

Return some musics to the library at school. This week they are open only from 2:00 until 4:00. Booo. I want use the library more in summer holiday. And then, I went to Openbare Bibliotheek also to return some books. As it was bit late, I got a fine.

As soon as I got home, I started thinking about the instrumentation for D-dream again. I felt that to use recorder would be better rather than renaissance flute, after all. I decided to ask M, a friend of mine if she wants to help me. I'm gonna email tomorrow.

I wanted to use thyme which I bought in June but never tried yet. As I bought a pork today, using a recipe on the Internet, I seasoned this pork with thyme, honey, olive oil, salt and pepper. Fried together with onions, carrots, mushrooms, it was a delicious dinner with rice.




ACMの指揮者Francescoにメールの返事。クラリネットのハーモニクスについて質問された。同じ音高を普通と違う穴の押さえ方で出す奏法。"New Directions for Clarinet"(Phillip Rehfeldt, Scarecrow Press 2003)にも詳しく載っている。残りの部分も早く完成させなくちゃ。






